Monday, March 22, 2010

MAns Best FrieND

Man no long relies on a dog for a best friend. Man now relies on a cellular phone for companionship. The dogs have taken the back seat. Clipped to your waist, sleeping in your pocket, the cell phone is what makes people happy and what people do not ever leave home without. When your down and out you can count on a message from someone else' cellular device to cheer you up. It's just wonderful that a hand held computer is what now brings joy to millions all over the world. When there is a rogue that lives without a mobile phone a persons response to them is, how do you live without it?, but the real question is how do you live with it? Some say in the near future the radio activity will cause cancer inside of our brains. Who knows? Who cares? We are all going to die some how and some way, let is be from the thing we love most. In today's society when spending time with a friend or someone close to you you also have to share the room with there companion. Its even better when there's two companions and two friends together because it creates a wonderful time for you and also your cell phone. So cherish your new best friend for it will never fail you and always be by your side.

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